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Session 53 - SNs, Planetaries and Circumstellar Disks.
Display session, Wednesday, June 10
Atlas Ballroom,

[53.17] Extended X--ray Emission from the Planetary Nebulae BD+303639

D. Leahy, S. Kwok, D. Yin (U. Calgary)

We report discovery of extended X--ray emission from the planetary nebulae BD+303639. BD+303639 was the target of a ROSAT HRI observation with the goal of resolving the x--ray emission. Analysis of the ROSAT HRI image shows clearly that BD+303639 has extended x-ray emission which can be fit with a Gaussian with a \sigma of 2.6 arcseconds (after correction for the HRI point spread function). This size is the same as that of the optical nebulae, as recently imaged in HST observations.

Program listing for Wednesday