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Session 54 - Star Clusters, Kinematics and the Galactic Center.
Display session, Wednesday, June 10
Atlas Ballroom,

[54.11] Spectroscopic Studies of Microlensed Sources Towards the Galactic Bulge

S. Kane, K. Sahu (STScI)

The spectroscopy of microlensed sources towards the galactic bulge may be used as a tool for studying, among other things, the kinematics and extinction effects of the Galactic bulge, and the contributions of the bulge and the disk lenses to the microlensing optical depth. We have obtained spectra of about 25 such microlensed sources using the 3.6m ESO telescope + EFOSC covering the wavelength region 3900 to 7000 A. Many of the sources were observed during the microlensing, which would have otherwise been too faint to be observed. The first results of this study will be presented.

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