Session 56 - Frontiers of Ultraviolet Astrophysics.
Display session, Wednesday, June 10
Atlas Ballroom,
The NEWSIPS reprocessing of IUE data accurately follows and extracts the echelle spectral orders and properly subtracts the interorder background even at the shortest wavelengths. NEWSIPS therefore permits the extraction of spectra to wavelengths as short as 1150 A. We present representative well-exposed IUE spectra covering the 1150 - 1220 A region with a resolution of 0.1 A which will be included in an IUE FUV Spectral Atlas. These spectra consist primarily of O, B, and WR stars, but also include a few of the brighter late-type stars as well as other types of objects. Stellar features include the CIII 1175 A, SiIII 1206 A, SiII 1190, 1193 A lines and an unidentified feature near 1154 A. Many of the WR stars also show a broad emission feature at 1173 - 1185 A which may be due to CIII or NIII. The CIII 1175 A line in OB giants and supergiants typically shows a P-Cygni shape. Superimposed on the stellar spectra are many strong interstellar absorption lines of NI, SiII, and other species.
The IUE FUV Spectral Atlas provides a useful bridge between the HST GHRS/STIS spectra and the FUV spectra to be obtained by FUSE in the 900-1180 A spectral region. Since IUE observed several hundred targets with well-exposed SWP-HI spectra in the range 1150-1200 A, the Atlas can be an important tool for selecting targets to be observed by FUSE.