Session 58 - Future of Antarctic Astrophysics.
Display session, Wednesday, June 10
Atlas Ballroom,
We have imaged the [C I] ^3P_1\rightarrow^3P_0 and CO (4\rightarrow3) lines toward the massive star forming region NGC 6334. The [C I] emission traces the photodissociated skin of molecular clouds, while the CO (4\rightarrow3) emission traces warm, dense star forming cores. Because NGC 6334 has 7 sites of OB star formation, we can separate the effects of the individual stars and their varying UV fields on the surrounding medium. We compare the [C I] and CO data with images of FIR fine-structure lines, predominantly from photodissociation regions, and lower J lines of CO, primarily from cooler, less dense molecular gas. We examine the predictions of standard PDR models and compare them with the data.