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Session 58 - Future of Antarctic Astrophysics.
Display session, Wednesday, June 10
Atlas Ballroom,

[58.11] IMAPS observations of NI in the local ISM

C. J. Krull, B. Y. Welsh, J. Vallerga (Eureka Scientific), R. Lallement (Service d'Aeronomie, CNRS, France)

We present high resolution absorption spectra of the interstellar NI triplet at 1134 Angstroms for 3 nearby stars in the local interstellar medium ( Alpha Pav, Alpha Leo and Alpha Gru). These spectra were taken with the IMAPS instrument on the Astro-Spas II mission in December 1996, and the absorption profiles are compared with high resolution interstellar CaII K-line data to investigate the complex velocity structure of neutral gas within 60pc of the Sun

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Program listing for Wednesday