Session 62 - Workshop on the Future of Antarctic Astrophysics - II.
Topical, Oral session, Wednesday, June 10
The Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect has become powerful tool for studying X-ray and optically selected galaxy clusters. The unique spectra of this effect allows it to be separated from sources of confusion including foregrounds, lensed background galaxies, and primary CMB anisotropies. In practice, this requires observations at several mm wavelengths. In a low density universe, structure exists back to a redshift of z\approx 1/Ømega_0 -1. Given the locally observed density of galaxy clusters, it is possible to use SZ source counts to constrain cluster formation and evolution. The SZ surface brightness of a given cluster is independent of its redshift. So long as the cluster is well matched to the beam of the telescope, the efficiency of detection will be independent of redshift. The detected clusters can then be followed up with pointed X-ray satellite and optical observations. Efficient cluster searching requires a multifrequency array at mm wavelengths and a telescope of \ge 2 m aperture. The high transmission and stability of the atmosphere at the South Pole provides unique advantages for observations of the CMB at mm wavelengths. I will discuss the prospects for carrying out this program with the existing 2 m Viper and the proposed 10m telescopes.