Session 67 - Stars: Evolution, Atmospheres, Intrinsic.
Display session, Thursday, June 11
Atlas Ballroom,
High resolution, high S/N spectra and an LTE abundance analysis are used to examine the post-AGB candidate star HD 196944. The spectroscopic analysis gives T_eff = 5250 K, \log g = 1.7 (cgs), and \xi_t = 1.9 km/s, corresponding to a G2-5 (bright) giant. A low iron abundance, [Fe/H] = -2.45, is derived, and this, together with the star's kinematics, indicates that HD 196944 belongs to the halo population. With [C/Fe] = +1.4, [O/Fe] = +1.1 and a mean s-process overabundance of [s/Fe] = +1.1, its peculiar atmospheric composition is confirmed. Alternative evolutionary states for HD 196944 are discussed.