Session 69 - Starburst Galaxies.
Display session, Thursday, June 11
Atlas Ballroom,
Arp 244, ``the Antennae,'' is the nearest example of a strongly interacting pair or spiral galaxies. As such it has been well studied at most wavelengths. As part of a survey of the molecular gas component (as traced by the CO(J=1--0) transition) in luminous infrared galaxies, we have made an effort to observe ``the Antennae'' system with the highest possible resolution and broadest spatial coverage feasible. To this end we have observed five fields with the BIMA Array and made fully sampled single-dish observations with the Kitt Peak 12m telescope. It is through the combination of these observations that we present the first full-synthesis map of CO distribution in Arp 244.
Our observations show that molecular gas distribution extends well beyond the three major concentrations that have been reported by past interferometric observations. The molecular component appears to follow the distribution of "proto-globular clusters" detected in HST WFPC2 observations and also corresponds well with 15\mum emission detected by ISO observations using the ISOCAM instrument.