Session 78 - X-ray Binaries.
Oral session, Thursday, June 11
The compact X-ray source in a massive X-ray binary ionizes its companion star wind, disrupting its flow. This ionized wind reemits X-rays through recombination and fluorescence. When the compact X-ray source is eclipsed by its companion, the spectrum of these reprocessed X-rays may be observed independantly from the featureless spectrum observed directly from the compact X-ray source. We have calculated the spectrum of the reprocessed X-rays from the seen in eclipse from the SMC X-1 system using a numerical hydrodynamic model of its turbulent wind as well as smooth, analytic density distributions, both with a range of elemental abudances. I will discuss the implications of present data from the ASCA observatory and future observation with AXAF on elemental abundances and models of the wind.