Session 79 - Special Objects in the Galaxy.
Oral session, Thursday, June 11
Images of the central parsec of the Galaxy at 8.7 \micron\ and 24.5 \micron\ were taken on 13 and 15 March 1998 at the Keck 10m telescope with the mid-infrared camera MIRLIN. MIRLIN uses a 128 X 128 Si:As BIB (hi-flux) detector with a scale at Keck of 0.137 \arcsec/pixel. The images are diffraction limited at 24.5 \micron\ and near diffraction limited at 8.7 \micron\ with the seeing FWHM\sim0.15\arcsec. The images will be presented and a limit on the flux at the position of Sgr A* will be calculated at both wavelengths.