DPS Meeting, Madison, October 1998
Session 17. Rings II
Contributed Oral Parallel Session, Tuesday, October 13, 1998, 10:30-11:30am, Madison Ballroom C

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[17.01] Radar Data Explanation via Superdiamagnetic Model of Saturn's Rings

S.V. Girich (Radiophysics Dept. of Volgograd State Univercity, Russia), A.Yu. Pospelov (General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science), V.V. Tchernyi (Moskow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, LMIS), CITO MVD Collaboration, GPI RAS Team, MSIEM LMIS Team

The superdiamagnetic model of planetary rings suggests a new explanation of phenomena like radiowave reflection and microwave radiation and absorption as demonstrated in Saturn's rings.

1. Phenomenon of anomalous inversion reflection of radiowaves (>1 cm) with circular polarization.

The research of reflection from rings on radiowaves above 1 cm was carried out. The reflection has appeared enough large, and the geometrical albedo has not strong functional dependence on the wavelength or angle of the ring's pitch. The rings are strong depolarizers, therefore for the reception of total reflection it is necessary to measure the intensity of two orthogonally polarized reflected signals separately. The falling electromagnetic wave (> 3 mm) will induce in a superconductor circular currents, which will completely compensate action of the incident wave of the magnetic field; so that the absence of the magnetic field in the volume of the superconductor should be carried out. Thus, if the falling electromagnetic wave has a certain direction of circular polarization (the spirality), this direction of circular polarization (the spirality) will be kept in the reflected wave.

2. High reflection and low brightness of the ring's particles in the radiofrequency range.

Transition from radiation of a black body (100 micron) to practically complete reflection is observed. It turned out that the rings of the Saturn actually have the greatest radar-tracking section of the all bodies of Solar system. Originally high reflection and low brightness of particles of rings on radiowaves were explained by the metallic nature of the particles. At the same time the data of the Voyagers excludes this opportunity. The superconductors have practically no resistance below 100 MHz. At frequency about 100 GHz there comes a limit, above which the frequent quantum effects cause a fast increase of resistance. So, a specific picture of the brightness temperature of the rings depends on frequency in the range 10 mm - 10 cm has the same behavior as those for the surface resistance of superconductors.

3. Frequency anomalies in the thermal radiation of Saturn's rings in the spectrum range 100 mm - 1 cm

Thermal radiation of the rings of Saturn on the wavelengths in the range 10 mm - 1 cm also has been measured. The measured brightness temperatures on short waves are less than true brightness temperature of rings, and on longer waves the rings look much colder than in the case when the radiation corresponds to their physical temperature. On the wavelengths 100 mm - 1 mm brightness temperature of the ring sharply falls to the meanings less than those ones characteristic of an absolutely black body. On the wavelengths longer than 1 cm a ring behaves as the diffusion screen, reflecting planetary and cold space radiation. Under the superconducting condition the electrons do not interact with a crystal lattice and do not exchange energy with it, therefore they cannot transfer heat from one part of a body into another one. Hence, when substance passes into superconducting condition, its heat conductivity is lowered.

Keywords: planetary rings; radiation, reflection and absorption; superdiamagnetic liquid; superconducting particles.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: zhizn@pacbell.net

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