DPS Meeting, Madison, October 1998
Session 4. Mars Atmosphere I
Contributed Oral Parallel Session, Monday, October 12, 1998, 9:30-10:20am, Madison Ballroom C

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[4.03] Results from Analyses of Mars Pathfinder MET Data

J.R. Barnes, S. Bennett (Oregon State University)

The Mars Pathfinder MET experiment collected data for 83 sols in the northern subtropics of Mars in middle and late summer. This season is one of transition, from a relatively repetitive summer pattern to a more variable autumnal pattern. The MET data captured a wide variety of meteorological phenomena, with unprecedented sensor resolution and sampling frequency. Although the wind sensor appears to have functioned extremely well, good wind speed data have not been available because of the lack of adequate calibration of the instrument. The flight spare is being recalibrated very shortly, and this should allow the generation of good wind speeds for the 83 sols of observation. We will present and discuss some of the results from the wind sensor, along with results from the pressure and temperature sensors. Phenomena that will be discussed include the timing of the annual pressure minimum (it appears to have occurred later than during the Viking era), synoptic variations, and slope flows at the landing site. The latter appear to be responsible for enhanced nocturnal turbulence, and the character of this will be examined.

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