AAS Meeting #193 - Austin, Texas, January 1999
Session 10. The Hobby*Eberly Telescope
Display, Wednesday, January 6, 1999, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall 1

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[10.08] High Resolution Spectrograph for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope

R. G. Tull, P. J. MacQueen, J. Good (McDonald Observatory), H. W. Epps (Lick Observatory), HET HRS Team

A fiber fed high-resolution spectrograph (HRS) is under construction for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET). The primary resolving power originally specified, from astrophysical considerations, was R = 60,000 with a fiber of diameter at least 1 arc-second, with full spectral coverage limited only by the combined band-pass of the HET, the optical fiber, and the image detector. This was achieved in the final design with a high blaze angle R-4 echelle mosaic, white pupil design, image slicing, and a large area CCD mosaic illuminated by an eight element refractive camera. Two back-to-back, user selectable first-order diffraction gratings are employed for cross dispersion, to separate echelle spectral orders; the entire spectral range (420 - 1,000 nm) can be covered in as few as two exposures. Critical issues addressed in the design are cross dispersion and order spacing, sky subtraction, echelle and CCD selection, fiber optic feed and scrambling, and image or pupil slicing. In the final design meeting the requirements we exploited the large-area 4096 square CCD, image slicing, and the optical performance of the white-pupil design to acquire a range of 30,000 < R < 120,000 with fibers of diameter 2 and 3 arc-seconds, without sacrificing full spectral coverage. Design details will be presented. Limiting magnitude is projected to be about V = 19 (for S/N = 10) at the nominal R = 60,000 resolving power. The poster display will outline performance characteristics expected in relation to projected astrophysical research capabilities outlined by Sneden et al., in this conference. HRS is supported by generous grants from NSF, NASA, the State of Texas, and private philanthropy, with matching funds granted by the University of Texas and by McDonald Observatory.

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