AAS Meeting #193 - Austin, Texas, January 1999
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Session 21. The Distance Scale and Dark Matter

Oral, Wednesday, January 6, 1999, 10:00-11:30am, Room 8 (A,B,C)

21.01 Comparison of Astrometric Measurements Among Multiple Techniques at Multiple Wavelengths for \theta2 Tau
Xiaopei Pan (California Institute of Technology), PTI Collaboration
21.02 Tests of the Tully-Fisher Relation Using Cepheids and SNIa
Tom Shanks (University of Durham, England)
21.03 Results of a Search for Cepheids in NGC 4603 in the Centaurus cluster
J. A. Newman, M. Davis (UC Berkeley), S. Zepf (Yale), W. L. Freedman (Carnegie Institute), N. A. Silbermann (IPAC), R. Phelps (Oberlin), B. F. Madore (IPAC), P. Stetson (DAO)
21.04 Distances to M101, NGC 2403, and NGC 2366 via Long Period Variables
J. S. Jurcevic (Astronomy Department, University of Texas at Austin)
21.05 Scaling Laws for Dark Matter Halos in Late-Type and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
John Kormendy (IfA), K. C. Freeman (Mount Stromlo Observatory)
21.06 Dark Matter in Late-type Dwarf Galaxies
R.A. Swaters, R. Sancisi, T.S. van Albada, J.M. van der Hulst (Kapteyn Institute)
21.07 In Pursuing A Galaxy-Galaxy Merger Sequence
Yu Gao, E. Seaquist (University of Toronto), K.Y. Lo (IAA, Academia Sinica)

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