AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 66. Mira Variable Stars
Display, Wednesday, June 2, 1999, 10:00am-6:30pm, Southwest Exhibit Hall

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[66.06] A HST/STIS Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of a Mira Variable Star

D.G. Luttermoser (East Tenn.\ State Univ.)

High-resolution spectra were obtained with Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph\, (STIS) for the cool Mira-type variable star R~Leo on 31 December 1998. This star was at phase 0.37 in its light-curve cycle on this date. The recorded spectra are truly remarkable! They show a plethora of emission features that were too faint for either the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) or the HST first-generation Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) to record. Comparisons will be made between these STIS spectra and earlier HRS and IUE spectra for this star. Emission lines, previously unrecorded in a Mira, were detected including the \ion{Fe}{2} (UV33,35,158,160,161,180,181), \ion{Mn}{2} (UV38), \ion{V}{2} (UV43,73), \ion{Zr}{2} (UV58), and the \ion{Ni}{2} (UV36) multiplets, in addition to the well known singly ionized multiplets that have been observed in the past. The electron density diagnostic multiplet of \ion{C}{2}] (UV0.01) gives an electron density of 109~cm-3 for R~Leo at this phase. This is similar to that found for the Mira star R~Hya at phase 0.26 with HST/HRS spectra. Finally, the photospheric spectrum was detected from 2980~Å\ (the long wavelength cut-off) down to 2450~Å. Prominent absorption features in this photospheric spectrum will also be identified.

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