AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 79. The Sun Close Up: Results from the TRACE Mission
Solar, Oral, Wednesday, June 2, 1999, 2:00-3:30pm, Continental Ballroom C

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[79.04] Ultraviolet Flare Loop Systems in an Eruptive Event

J. Qiu, H. Wang, J. Chae, C. Lee, P. R. Goode (BBSO, NJIT)

The BBSO/TRACE joint campaign on September 27, 1998 observed an eruptive flare event which lasted for half an hour. The observation covered several ultraviolet lines from transition region and H\alpha line center and off-band emissions from chromosphere with high spatial resolution which allows detailed study on the flare plasma at wide temperature range. Various flare loop systems are found in the active region depicting different scenarios of the event. The flare was started by low atmosphere explosive reconnection which triggered vehement loop eruption, heating of both large scale and low-lying pre-existent loops, and mass ejection of both hot (up to 106K) and cool (104K) plasmas. Due to reconnection of open field lines, new flaring loop archade was formed after the eruption and was clearly seen in EUV emissions. From high resolution UV, EUV and H\alpha filtergrams, fine structure of both low-lying and coronal loops can be identified. The multi-wavelength observations on this event enable us to distinguish different mechanisms of energy transfer in different loop systems displaying different radiative and dynamic behaviours, and to investigate the early stage of the flare when lower atmosphere instability is essential in triggering the major flare and the relation between lower and higher atmospheres is complex.

This work is supported by NSF under grants ATM-9628862 and ATM-9713359, and NASA under grants NAG5-5036 and NAG5-7085, and ONR under grant N00014-97-1-1037.

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