AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 22. Solar Flares
Oral, Monday, May 31, 1999, 10:00-11:30am, Continental Ballroom B

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[22.05] Soft X-ray Observation of a Flare-Associated Coronal Wave

H. S. Hudson (SPRC), J. R. Lemen (LMSAL), B. Thompson (NASA GSFC), Y. Uchida (Science University of Tokyo)

Recent EUV observations from the EIT instrument of SOHO have shown the common occurrence of flare-associated global coronal waves, allies of Type II burst exciters and chromospheric Moreton waves. Until now, however, no direct soft X-ray detections have been reported. We have studied Yohkoh SXT observations to understand this apparent discrepancy between EUV and soft X-ray observations,and have now found good X-ray evidence for a large-scale coronal wave launched during an X-class flare of May 6, 1998. During the impulsive phase of this flare, a rapid (~103 km s-1) bright front appeared to the north of the flare core; later a more normal loop-like ejection emerged to the west at a lower projected speed. We identify the rapid front with enhanced X-ray emission from a global coronal wave. Wave signatures also appear in SOHO EIT images and in the meter-wave dynamic spectrum from Hiraiso, and SOHO LASCO detected a coronal mass ejection. NASA supported this work under contract NAS 8--37334.

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