AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 87. QSO Absorption Line Systems
Display, Thursday, June 3, 1999, 9:20am-4:00pm, Southwest Exhibit Hall

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[87.04] HS1603+3820: A Rich Cluster of Associated Absorption Systems

A. Dobrzycki (SAO), D. Engels (Hamburg Obs.), H.-J. Hagen (Hamburg Obs.)

During the course of the Hamburg/CfA Bright Quasar Survey we discovered a bright (B=15.9), high redshift (z\rm em=2.51) quasar HS1603+3820. We present the MMT Blue Channel spectrum in the vicinity of the Lyman-\alpha and C{\sc iv} emission lines. The quasar has a very rich absorption spectrum, including a cluster of C{\sc iv} absorbers containing at least five systems, all within 3000~km/s from one another. Despite large ejection velocity (greater than 5000~km/s for all components), the cluster is likely to be associated with the quasar since at least one of the systems does not appear to cover the emitting source. There are at least three additional heavy element absorbers associated with the quasar; one is very strong, with seventeen identified components, and two others have z\rm abs>z\rm em.

Velocity dispersion of all associated absorbers is ~4300~km/s. Together they make one of the richest known clusters of heavy element absorbers.

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