AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 30. Cosmological Probes and Parameters
Oral, Monday, May 31, 1999, 2:00-3:30pm, International Ballroom South

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[30.06] Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy: Python V Results

K. Coble, M. Dragovan, J. Kovac, N. W. Halverson, W. L. Holzapfel, L. Knox (Univ. of Chicago), S. Dodelson (Fermilab), K. Ganga (IPAC/Caltech), J. B. Peterson, D. Alvarez, G. Griffin, M. Newcomb (Carnegie-Mellon Univ.), K. Miller (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), S. R. Platt (Univ. of Arizona), G. Novak (Northwestern Univ.)

Observations of the microwave sky using the Python telescope in its fifth season of operation at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica are presented. The system consists of a 0.75 m off-axis telescope instrumented with a HEMT amplifier-based radiometer having continuum sensitivity from 37-45 GHz in two frequency bands. With a 0.91 x 1.02 deg beam the instrument fully sampled 598 deg2 of sky, including fields measured during the previous four seasons of Python observations. Interpreting the observed fluctuations as anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background, we place constraints on the angular power spectrum of fluctuations in multipole bands up to l ~ 260. The observed spectrum is consistent with both the COBE experiment and previous Python results. There is no significant contamination from known foregrounds. The results show a discernible rise in the angular power spectrum from large (l ~40) to small (l ~200) angular scales.

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