AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 78. TRACE and Coronal Heating
Solar, Display, Wednesday, June 2, 1999, 10:00am-6:30pm, Southeast Exhibit Hall

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[78.07] Rendering Three-Dimensional Solar Coronal Structures of Active Region 8227

G.A. Gary (MSFC), D. Alexander (LMSAL), L. Fletcher (LMSAL)

Coronal X-ray and EUV synthesized images of Active Region 8227 (May-June 1996) are constructed and compared with TRACE, Yohkoh/SXT, and SOHO/EIT observations. Using the rendering technique of Gary (1997) and Alexander, Gary, and Thompson (1998), specific geometric and physical models are used to integrate the plasma emission along the line of sight to obtain a rendered image. The instrumental profiles are convolved in the integration process as well as unique heating functions. We analyze coronal X-ray and EUV structures via the constructing of synthesized images and investigate how different heating rates within the active region loop system affect the emission characteristics. The intercomparison of the emission seen in different telescopes with that predicted by the assumed model provides a diagnostic tool for determining the properties of the heating and a physical explanation for the observed distributions. Of particular note is the presence of bright EUV emission at the base of hot X-ray loops, reminiscent of the "moss" observed by Berger & et al. (1999), and Fletcher & De Pontieu (1999).

Gary, G. A.: 1997, Solar Physics, 174, 241.

Alexander, D., Gary, G. A., and Thompson, B.J.: 1998, Proc. 2nd ASPE, PASP Conference Series.

Berger, T. E., De Pontieu, B., Schrijver, C. J., Title, A. M., 1999. ApJ Letts. (submitted)

Fletcher, L., De Pontieu, B. 1999, ApJ Letts. (submitted)

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