AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 88. Large-Scale Structure Surveys
Display, Thursday, June 3, 1999, 9:20am-4:00pm, Southwest Exhibit Hall

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[88.08] Emission-Line Galaxy Samples as Probes of the Spatial Distribution of Dwarf Galaxies

J.C. Lee, J.J. Salzer (Wesleyan Univ.)

A study of the spatial distributions of two independent complete samples of emission-line galaxies (ELGs) is presented. ELG data obtained from the University of Michigan survey (UMS) and the new, ultra-deep KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS) are analyzed relative to normal (non-active) galaxies in the Updated Zwicky Catalogue. The samples are examined statistically through computation of nearest neighbor distributions and correlation functions.

Objective-prism surveys, like KISS and UMS, which select galaxies on the basis of line-emission are extremely effective at detecting low-luminosity galaxies and constitute some of the deepest available samples of dwarfs. We thus use these samples to probe the relative clustering properties of high-luminosity and dwarf galaxies, and examine the results for evidence of biasing. Other issues addressed by this study include whether objects selected by line-emission in objective prism surveys trace the same large-scale features as normal galaxies, and whether gravitational interactions between galaxies are the primary cause of activity.

The results of our analysis indicate that although ELGs and normal galaxies outline the same large-scale features, the ELG's are less tightly confined to the features and tend to prefer regions of lower density. Further, a number of ELGs are found to be located in voids.

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