AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 93. Quiet Photosphere, Chromosphere and Transition Region
Display, Thursday, June 3, 1999, 9:20am-4:00pm, Southeast Exhibit Hall

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[93.06] Simultaneous 2-D Spatial Spectra Using a Microlens Array

K. S. Balasubramaniam (NSO/USAF/AFRL), Y. Suematsu (NAO, Japan), L. A. Smaldone (Univ. Naples, Italy), K. Yoshimura (Kyoto Univ.), S. Hegwer (NSO), H. Otani (Kyoto Univ.)

\noindent Simultaneous spatial spectra of extended solar structures, at a high spatial resolution and temporal cadence is important to track and understand the physics of dynamical evolutionary phenomena. Replacing the slit of a conventional spectrograph with a micro-lens array will then help to capture simultaneous spatial spectra using a large format CCD camera. Such a technique will be useful to study small structures (a few arcseconds across) such as Ellerman bombs, kernels of flares, filamentary evolution and spicules.

\noindent At the NSO/Richard B. Dunn Solar Telescope, we have used a micro-lens array (0.6 mm pitch, 50 x 50 lens-lets) to observe structures with a spatial sampling of 0.24 arcseconds in H\alpha\ spectral line. The spectral sampling is 0.93 Å/pixel over a 10-Å\ bandwidth. The field-of-view is however limited to about 12 arcseconds. We have also explored the microlens array the observations to magnetic spectral lines such as FeI 6301.5 and FeI 6302.5 Å\ for variation of line-of-sight of subarcsecond magnetic fields.

\noindent We present initial results from an engineering observational experiment at the Dunn Solar Telescope.

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