AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 32. Coronal Holes and Solar Wind
Oral, Monday, May 31, 1999, 2:00-3:30pm, Continental Ballroom B

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[32.03] Temporal Evolution and Physical Properties of North Polar Coronal Hole from Spartan 201-05, SOHO, TRACE and Mk3

M. Guhathakurta, C. DeForest, R.R. Fisher, L. Ofman, T. Kucera (GSFC), S. Gibson (NATO fellow), Spartan201 Team

Polar coronal rays/plumes as long lived structures that extend out to 6 R\odot were first observed during the first flight of SPARTAN 201 spacecraft during April 11-12 of 1993. In this paper we will present detail observations from the WLC aboard Spartan 201 spacecraft (31 Oct.- 2 Nov.,1998) of the north polar coronal hole and comapre its physical properties to the past three Spartan missions. We will present comparisons of the Spartan WL observations with the Mk3 pB observations, SOHO LASCO and EIT observations, and finally the high resolution TRACE 171 Å\ observations, to characterize the north polar coronal hole all the way from the base of the corona out to 30 R\odot. We will also look for signatures of waves (quasi-period variations) in the coronal hole plumes and interplume regions in the high cadence Spartan pB observations obtained during this mission.

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