AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
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All findings are embargoed until time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 89. Clusters of Galaxies

Display, Thursday, June 3, 1999, 9:20am-4:00pm, Southwest Exhibit Hall

89.01 The Enrichment of the Hot Gas in Clusters of Galaxies
L.P. David (SAO), A. Finoguenov (SRI)
89.02 A Multiphase Model for the Intracluster Medium
D. Nagai, M. M. Sulkanen, A. E. Evrard (U. Michigan)
89.03 Scaling Laws and the Mass and Temperature Functions of Galaxy Clusters
D.J. Horner (UMD/GSFC), R.F. Mushotzky (NASA/GSFC), Caleb Scharf (STScI)
89.04 Discovery of Low Surface Brightness X-ray Clusters of Galaxies
A.D. Lewis, J.T. Stocke, E. Ellingson (Colorado-CASA)
89.05 Kinematic Disturbances in Rotation Curves among 89 Virgo Galaxies
V. C. Rubin (DTM, Carnegie Inst. of Washington), A. H. Waterman (Blair HS; Stanford U.), J. D. P. Kenney (Yale U.)
89.06 Distribution of Galaxies in the Pisces-Perseus Super-Cluster
J. J. Morgan, R. M. Humphreys (University of Minnesota)
89.07 The Angular Clustering of Faint Galaxies in Quasar Fields
T. G. Brainerd, C.J. Law (Boston Univ.), J. Brauher (IPAC), S. G. Djorgovski, K. Banas (Caltech)

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