31st Annual Meeting of the DPS, October 1999
Session 51. Outer Planet Atmospheres Posters
Poster Group II, Thursday-Friday, October 14, 1999, , Kursaal Center

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[51.03] Galileo NIMS Observations of the North Equatorial Haze

A.L. Weir, P.G.J. Irwin, F.W. Taylor (Oxford University), R.W. Carlson (JPL)

We have applied the single scattering approximation and a Backus-Gilbert retrieval approach to Galileo NIMS observations of the northern Equatorial Zone. Consistent with ground-based and Galileo SSI analyses (West et al. 1986, Banfield et al., 1996, 1998) we find a stratospheric haze, a clear region just above 100 mbars, and a lower tropospheric haze. Deeper cloud structure is below our region of sensitivity. The phase function of the tropospheric haze has been measured and is found to be consistent with 0.5 \mum NH3 particles, leading to optical depths of this lower haze of 1.8 +/- .8.

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