31st Annual Meeting of the DPS, October 1999
Session 18. The Moon and Mercury Posters
Poster Group I, Monday-Wednesday, October 11, 1999, , Kursaal Center

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[18.06] The Map of 3He Abundance for the Moon Nearside

V.G. Kaydash, Yu.G. Shkuratov, L.V. Starukhina (Kharkov State University, Ukraine)

In [1] strong correlation between 3He content in the lunar soils and the product of the soil maturity Is/FeO upon the content of TiO2 has been presented. Using this correlation we mapped the abundance of 3He for the nearside of the Moon. For this purpose the maps [2] of the maturity degree Is/FeO and abundance of titanium in the regolith of visible hemisphere were taken. The greatest 3He abundance is predicted for the west part of mare Serenitatis (16-20 ppb) associated with ilmenite basalts areas. The lowest 3He (1-5 ppb) is characteristic of the north and south highlands. As 3He is implanted by solar wind, the variation of its average normal flux with latitude and longitude of a lunar site could affect the 3He abundance. If so, 3He content near the poles should be less than that in equatorial zones. However, 3He content is controlled by degassing rates, which is proved by great difference between the abundance ratios of the gases in solar wind and in lunar soils [3]. Moreover, lower temperature in polar regions prevent degassing so effectively that even higher 3He content can be predicted there. As a first approximation we did not take the latitude and longitude dependence of 3He abundance into account. Refs.: [1] Taylor L.A. Engr., constr., & Oper. In Space IV, Proc. of Space'94, 678. [2] Shkuratov Yu.G. et al. 1999. Icarus, 137, 222-234. [3] Haskin L., Warren P. Lunar chemistry. Lunar sourcebook. /Eds. Heiken G. H. et al.. N. Y., 1991. 357-474.

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