AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 2. Young Objects and Disks
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[2.07] STIS observations of Ly alpha jet associated with the Near-ZAMS star HD163296

D. Devine, C. Grady (AURA/NOAO, GSFC), R. Kimble (NASA/GSFC), P. Plait (ACC), J. Linsky (U. Colorado, Boulder), B. Woodgate (NASA/GSFC), A. Boggess, F.C. Bruhweiler (CUA)

STIS long slit spectroscopy of the 4-10 Myr old near-ZAMS Herbig Ae star HD163296 reveals the presence of a jet associated with the bipolar Herbig-Haro flow driven by HD163296. This is somewhat surprising since HD163296 is roughly a factor of ten older than most protostars that drive outflows. The jet is visible in Ly alpha and Si III and can be traced to within 0.1" (12 AU) of HD163296. The counterjet is appreciably fainter within 4" of the star in Ly alpha and is not detected in Si III. We also obtained optical long slit spectroscopy of HD163296 that shows faint [SII] emission associated with the counterjet that can be traced to within 1" of the star. This suggests that the counterjet is obscured at FUV wavelengths by the circumstellar disk associated with HD163296. STIS coronographic imaging of this disk shows evidence for clearing that may be due to planet formation. We will discuss mechanisms for driving the outflow under these circumstances.

Support for this study was provided by HST STIS GTO funding through support to the NOAO, in response to the NOAO A/O OSSA -4-84 through the Hubble Space Telescope Project at GSFC. NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. Data analysis facilities were provided by the Laboratory for Astronomy& Solar Physics, NASA/GSFC.

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