AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 75. Intrinsic Variable Stars
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[75.12] V927 Herculis : delta Scuti or gamma Doradus?

M.B. Garvin, E.G. Hintz, M.D. Joner (Brigham Young University)

\gamma Doradus stars have recently been established as a new class of pulsating variable stars (Kaye et. al. 1999). These stars have an average period of about 0.8 days, with a range from 0.4 to 3 days and are typically multi-periodic. \gamma Doradus itself is multi-periodic with two principal periods of 0.73339 and 0.75701 days (Balona et. al. 1994). The close spacing of these two periods leads to the modulation of the amplitude exclusively at the time of maximum light (Kaye et. al. 1999). The searches for new \gamma Doradus variables typically look for stars with periods above 0.4 days.

We will present data on a \delta Scuti star from the Hipparcos catalog, V927 Herculis (HIP 82883). Observations taken over the summer of 1999 show that V927 Her, like \gamma Doradus, has two closely spaced periods of 0.1305 and 0.1250 days, and also shows the same amplitude modulation at maximum light. It is clear that this star needs to be observed over a much longer period of time to firmly establish its behavior, and assign it to an appropriate classification.

We wish to thank the BYU Department of Physics & Astronomy REU program and the BYU Honors Program for their support.

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