AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 78. Young Stars, Disks and Planets
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[78.02] Infrared imaging search for sub-stellar companions next to young nearby stars

R. Neuhäuser (MPE Garching), W. Brandner (IfA Hawaii), A. Eckart (MPE Garching), E.W. Guenther (TLS Tautenburg), J. Alves (ESO Garching), T. Ott, N. Húelamo, M. Fernández (MPE Garching)

We report first results from our infrared imaging search for sub-stellar companions of young (up to 100 Myrs) nearby (up to 75 pc) stars, where companions should be well separated from the central stars and still relatively bright due to ongoing accretion and/or contraction. Among our targets are all members of the TW Hya association, as well as other young stars either discovered recently among ROSAT sources (some of which as yet unpublished) or known before. Our observations are performed mainly with SOFI and SHARP at the ESO 3.5m NTT on La Silla and with ISAAC at the ESO 8.2m ANTU (VLT-UT1) on Cerro Paranal, all in the H- and K-bands. We present ground-based direct imaging detection of a faint object next to one of our targets, which - if at the same age and distance as the central star - could be an object with only a few Jupiter masses.

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