AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 75. Intrinsic Variable Stars
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[75.09] Spectral Line Variations due to Temperature Fluctuations Caused by Nonradial Pulsations: an Application to the Pulsating B-Star, Epsilon Per.

W. Huang, M.E. Hahula, D.R. Gies (Astr. & Phys. Dept. GSU)

We constructed model line profiles for NRP including the temperature variations assumed for adiabatic pulsations. We considered the effect of rotation following the method of Schrijvers & Telting(1997). The Roche distortion caused by rotation is also treated. The results are applied to high S/N spectroscopy of the pulsating B0.5 IV star, Epsilon Per. We estimate both surface velocity amplitude and the size of the assoiated temperature variation, by comparing model and observed variations in lines with differing temperature sensitivity.

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