AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 98. Quasars and Their Cousins
Oral, Friday, January 14, 2000, 2:00-3:30pm, Centennial III

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[98.01] Deep ASCA Observation of a Typical BALQSO PG0946+301

S. Mathur (OSU), P. Green (CfA), C. Otani (RIKEN), J. Shields (OU), F. Hamann (UF), K. Korista (UM), N. Arav (LLNL), M. DeKool (Colorado), M. Elvis (CfA), B. Peterson (OSU), M. Crenshaw (CUA), C. Foltz (Steward), R. Goodrich (Keck), D. Hines (Steward), R. Mushotzky (GSFC), I. Shlosman (OK), W. van Breugel (LLNL), M. Voit (STScI), M. Brotherton (LLNL)

We initiated a deep campaign to probe one typical broad absorption line quasar in X-rays. We observed PG0946+301 with ASCA for ~80 ksec. We will discuss the observational results and their implications. This work is supported in parts by NASA grant NAG5-3249 (LTSA).

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