AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 87. Ground-Based Observatories and Techniques
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[87.16] TNTCAM MARK II: First light Mid-IR Images

R.E. Stencel, D. Theil (Univ.Denver Observatories), D. Klebe (Colorado College)

First light observations were achieved with our redesigned mid-infrared array camera, TNTCAM2 at NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) atop Mauna Kea on May 2-5, 1999. Collaborative observations were made of Jupiter, in support of a Galileo spacecraft encounter (Glenn Orton et al. JPL), Mars at opposition (Terry Martin, JPL), Nova Sgr (Robert Gehrz et al. U.Minnesota), plus YSOs, star forming regions and planetary nebulae, using intermediate and narrow band filters from 5 to 24 microns. TNTCAM2 (Ten and Twenty \mum Camera Mark II) represents an improvement over the original optical and cryostat design described by (Klebe et al., 1996, ASP Conf. Series, v97, p.79). Image quality and cryostat hold time objectives were met (see Theil et al. 1999 SPIE Proceedings, vol.3786C Conference on Optomechanical Engineering). The complete system will also include an upgrade from the current Rockwell HF16 128x128 Si:As array, and polarimetry across these mid-infrared filter regions as well, with sensitivities as small as 0.4% (at 6.0 mag/sq.arcsec on a 2.4m telescope in 4 hours). Frequent use of the instrument is planned as part of a cooperative access agreement with the University of Wyoming's Infrared Observatory (WIRO), and is offered for collaborative community access beginning this year. We are happy to acknowledge support via NSF grant AST-9724506.

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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: rstencel@du.edu

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