AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 79. Young Stars and Clusters
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[79.11] The Little Differences Among Embedded Clusters in the Rosette Molecular Cloud: A Photometric Analysis

C. G. Roman, E. A. Lada (Astronomy Department, University of Florida)

We present the results for a photometric analysis of near infrared broadband (J, H and K filters) images of 3 embedded clusters in the Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC). Our images were obtained with CIRIM on the 4 meter telescope at CTIO and have a resolution of 0.2'' per pixel. We construct (J-H)-(H-K) color-color diagrams of the clusters in order to estimate and compare the fraction of stars having infrared excess emission in each of the clusters. Such excess fractions can help us to determine the presence and frequency distributions of circumstellar material around cluster members. Preliminary results suggest that the fraction of stars with an infrared excess is larger in those clusters located closer to the HII region inside the RMC, possibly indicating an age difference among these Rosette clusters. Finally, we present and compare the K luminosity functions for each cluster.

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