AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 15. Blazar Variability
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[15.01] Initial Results from a VLA Survey of Blazars

T.A. Ostrowski (University of Denver), J.M. Attridge (MIT Haystack Observatory)

Work on the 5 GHz polarization properties of blazars has shown that strong- and weak-lined objects are different in both their core polarizations and in the orientations of the magnetic fields in their jets (e.g. Cawthorne, et al. 1993a,b, Ap.J., v. 416, p. 496, and p. 519). To further investigate the relationship between the emission line and radio properties of blazars, a sample of 39 blazars were observed in both total intensity and polarization by Attridge with the VLBA at 6 cm (Attridge 1998, Ph.D. thesis, Brandeis University).

As a continuation of this project, multi-wavelength (3.6 and 18 cm) VLA A-array observations of 11 of the 39 sources were taken over two epochs in 1996. These observations allow us to probe the large-scale radio structure surrounding the compact radio sources, and to study the alignment between the radio jets from parsec to kiloparsec scales. The combination of VLA and VLBA images provides structural and polarization information which allows us to trace the path of emission of the jets. Here scales range from the submilliarcsecond resolution of the VLBA at 3.6 cm to the 1 arcsecond resolution of the VLA at 18 cm, a range of over 1000:1. Both VLA and VLBA images of select sources are presented for illustration.

This research was carried out as part of the National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program at MIT Haystack Observatory.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: tostrows@du.edu

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