AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 115. Seyferts and Other Mildly Active Galaxies
Display, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

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[115.09] Evidence for Water Maser Reverberation in NGC 1068

J.F. Gallimore (NRAO), S.A. Baum (STSCI), C. Henkel (MPIfR), M. Claussen (NRAO), I.S. Glass (SAAO), M.A. Prieto (ESO)

The brighter water masers of NGC~1068 appear to trace molecular gas in a parsec-scale disk surrounding the central engine. We find evidence that these masers are reverberating in response to a central, common pump source, presumably the central engine. Firstly, the luminosities of individual maser features are correlated on time-scales as fine as years, even though the dynamical time is 10000 years. Secondly, we have detected a simultaneous flare event among blueshifted masers and redshifted masers; the flare signal is symmetric in Doppler velocity about the systemic velocity of the galaxy. Thirdly, we present a model in which a 1988 X-ray flare of the central engine may have caused (1) the loss of maser signal over the period 1990--1991, and (2) a subsequent peak of emission from warm dust between 1994 and 1995. Although the present data are not sufficient to pin down an accurate, geometric distance measure, they favor a distance of 18 Mpc to NGC~1068. We demonstrate how further monitoring may provide a more accurate distance measurement.

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