AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 6. Early Results from the FUSE Mission
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[6.24] FUSE observations of the resonance OVI doublet in Sand 2 (WO), the fastest stellar wind known.

P.A. Crowther (UCL), K. Brownsberger (CASA/U Colorado), A.W. Fullerton (UVic & JHU), A.J. Willis (UCL), L. Bianchi (JHU), O. De Marco (UCL), J.B. Hutchings (DAO/HIA/CNRC), T. Snow (U. Colorado), FUSE Science Team

Oxygen sequence (WO-type) Wolf-Rayet stars represent the final, brief phase in the evolution of the most massive stars prior to a SN explosion. They are characterised by extremely broad, high excitation oxygen and carbon emission lines in their UV and optical spectrum. Sand 2 in the LMC is the only single WO star for which far-UV FUSE observations of the 1032, 1038Å\ OVI resonance doublet are possible, and has the fastest continuous wind of any known star (~4,500 km/s!). We will carry out a spectral synthesis of FUSE observations of Sand 2 using state-of-the-art models -- supplemented by UV HST and ground-based MSSSO optical spectroscopy -- to help address the exact evolutionary status of WO stars.

This work is supported by NASA contract NAS5-32985.

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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: pac@star.ucl.ac.uk

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