AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 7. Galaxy Structures and Dynamics: Models and Observations
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[7.06] Detection of HI with Non-circular Velocities in the Barred Spiral NGC 1784

D. L. Ratay, S. T. Gottesman (University of Florida)

We present 21cm observations of NGC 1784 taken with the D configuration of the Very Large Array. NGC 1784 is an SBc(rs)I-II system. The bar in this system is bright and narrow. The arms are faint and knotty. We find a partial ring of HI on the west side of the galaxy. This ring is 80 km/s out of phase with circular mothion. We also find that the HI velocity field is decidedly non-circular. These properties may be the result of an interaction with a minor galaxy. However, no such companion is either observed or catalogued.

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