AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 70. Elliptical Galaxies and X-Rays
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[70.05] A Deep ROSAT HRI Observation of NGC 1313

E.M. Schlegel (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), R. Petre (NASA-GSFC), E.J.M. Colbert, S. Miller (U Maryland)

We describe a series of observations of NGC 1313 using the ROSAT HRI with a combined exposure time of 183.5 ksec. The observations span an interval between 1992 and 1998; the purpose of observations since 1994 was to monitor the X-ray flux of SN1978K, one of several luminous sources in the galaxy. No diffuse emission is detected in the galaxy to a level of ~7\times1036 ergs s-1 arcmin-2. A total of eight sources are detected in the summed image within the D25 diameter of the galaxy and an additional seven outside of that region. We present light curves of the five brightest sources. Variability is detected at the 99.9% level from four of these. We identify one of the sources as an NGC 1313 counterpart of a Galactic X-ray source. The light curve, though crudely sampled, most closely resembles that of a Galactic black hole candidate such as GX339-4, but with considerably higher peak X-ray luminosity. We briefly discuss the large number of super-Eddington sources in this galaxy.

The research was supported by NASA Grant NAG5-4015 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

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