AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 9. Evolution of Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[9.10] The Oxford Wide-Field UBVRizK Survey: First Results on Red Galaxies

L. A. Moustakas, G. B. Dalton, S. Rawlings, E. J. Olding, J. Booth (Astrophysics, Oxford), G. A. Wegner (Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH)

The Oxford WFC (OWFC) Survey plus K-band extension is an initiative by the Oxford Cosmology Group to obtain deep, multicolor UBVRiz optical images over about 10~deg2. To date we have more than 6~deg2 in BVRz, 3~deg2 in I, and 1~deg2 in K over three separated regions in the sky (00h+35, 09h+40, & 16h+45), reaching sensitivity limits of R=25.5 and K=19.0 (both at 5\sigma). We report on the scientific goals and status of the Survey, and on our results on the surface density, spatial extent, and the feasibility of photometric redshifts for a large sample of R-K>6 extremely red objects (EROs). The goal of our EROs study, which utilizes an extensive grid of population synthesis models including dust as well as other followup observations, is to constrain the volume density (and therefore the power) of massive galaxy formation at high redshifts (z>5), and to study the nature of the dust and star formation in highly obscured z=1-2 galaxies. We acknowledge continuing support by a rolling grant by PPARC.

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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mailto:leonidas@astro.ox.ac.uk

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