AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 20. Chandra Observations of Active Galaxies (and a Cluster Too!)
Oral, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 10:00-11:30am, Centennial I and II

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[20.07] Deep Chandra X-ray Imaging of Abell 370

M. W. Bautz, F. K. Baganoff, C. R. Canizares, M. R. Malm, G. R. Ricker (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), D. Lumb (ESTEC), G. P. Garmire (Pennsylvania State University)

We present a deep (90 ksec) Chandra image of Abell 370, a strongly lensing galaxy cluster at redshift z=0.37. The observed X-ray surface brightness distribution and temperature of the cluster core (r < 30 arcsec) are compared to predictions of alternative mass models derived from the optical lensing data. Limits on the X-ray luminosity of the strongly-lensed background galaxies are presented. This work was supported by NASA through contract NAS-8-37716.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mwb@space.mit.edu

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