AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 59. New Results on Stellar Masses
Special Session Oral, Thursday, January 13, 2000, 10:00-11:30am, Regency V

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[59.02] Weighty Issues in Small Star Masses...Like Your Favorite Hammer

T.J. Henry (Johns Hopkins University)

The masses for objects smaller than the Sun are discussed, with particular attention paid to the most populous members of the galaxy, the red dwarfs. Both empirical and theoretical evaluations of current data for low mass stars will be reviewed, as well as the interplay between eclipsing, spectroscopic and astrometric (e.g. visual and interferometric) multiple star research. In addition, the transition region between stars and brown dwarfs is just beginning to be explored for mass determinations using observing techniques from both the ground and space, and the current status of results will be outlined.

New results on the mass-luminosity relation (mass versus Mv to be specific) are presented in the form of a tool for researchers studying any aspect of stellar astronomy. The effects of metallicity and age, two parameters which directly affect luminosities on the main sequence and hence any relation derived using only a two parameter fit, are discussed. This tool should reside in every stellar astronomer's toolbox and should be used like a favorite hammer, because it is needed in order for us to build a sturdy understanding of stellar astrophysics.

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