AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 117. Active Galactic Nuclei: Modelling and Theory
Display, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

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[117.05] Integral field models of high redshift radio galaxies

K.C. Chambers (UH)

Integral field models of the intensity and velocity distributions of narrow emission lines in high redshift radio galaxies are presented. The dynamical model has a two components: an isotropic line component from insitu gas photoionized by the central source expanding as a bipolar shell. The second component is line emission from the central source, scattered by dust swept up in the bipolar shell. The resulting integral field (position-velocity) cube is sensitive to the true 3-dimensional kinematics (3 spatial and 3 velocity dimensions). The model provides a good fit to integral field and long slit data of high redshift radio galaxies. The results constrain the gas dynamics of these systems and dust distribution at the onset of activity.

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