AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 112. Chandra
Display, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

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[112.02] Chandra Observations of Jets in Nearby AGN

A.S. Wilson, P.L. Shopbell, A.J. Young (UMD)

We will present high-resolution Chandra X-ray observations of large-scale jets in nearby active galaxies, obtained as part of a Cycle 1 GTO program to image 10 such targets (Circinus, Cygnus A, M51, M87, NGC 526A, NGC 1068, NGC 4151, NGC 4258, NGC 5506, and Pictor A). The unprecedented resolution of Chandra (1\arcsec) will allow us to examine the central regions of the AGN, as well as the detailed jet morphologies, including comparisons with optical and radio observations at similar resolution. The observations are being made with one of the backside-illuminated CCDs (S3) on the ACIS instrument and therefore also provide moderate, spatially-resolved spectral information on the targets. Exposure times range from 9 ksec to 80 ksec per target. We demonstrate that the combined spatial and spectral resolution of these data will substantially improve our understanding of the relevant processes in these complex and energetic environments. In this poster, we will present the images and spectra obtained so far in the project.

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