AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 76. Geometrically Variable Stars
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[76.07] The O-type Binary 15 Monocerotis

W. G. Bagnuolo, R. L. Riddle, D. R. Gies, H. A. McAlister (Georgia State University)

The bright O-type star 15 Mon is an astrometric and spectroscopic binary with a 25 yr orbit with high eccentricity, and with a recent periastron passage. We have obtained radial velocity measurements with the GSU/CHARA 1-m spectroscopic telescope ``MTT'' and several other sources. With these data we have produced an updated orbit and mass ratio for this interesting system. We also present direct spectral typing of the components using a tomography algorithm on the spectra.

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