AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 20. Chandra Observations of Active Galaxies (and a Cluster Too!)
Oral, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 10:00-11:30am, Centennial I and II

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[20.01] Chandra Observation of a Kpc X-ray Jet in PKS0637-752

D.A. Schwartz (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), M. Birkinshaw (CfA and Bristol), G. Chartas, E.D. Feigelson (PSU), K.K. Ghosh (NASA/MSFC), D.E. Harris, E.J. Hooper (CfA), D.L. Jauncey (ATNF/CSIRO), K.M. Lanzetta (SUNY/SB), J. Lovell (ATNF/CISRO), H.L. Marshall (MIT), S. Mathur (OSU), R.A. Preston, S.J. Tingay (JPL), W.H. Tucker, S. Virani, B.J. Wilkes (CfA), D. Worrall (CfA and Bristol)

The quasar PKS0637-752 was one of the first celestial objects at which the Chandra X-ray Observatory was pointed. It was chosen to be a point source of modest intensity, which could be used for establishing the mirror focus. Remarkably, even the out-of-focus images revealed an X-ray extension 4 to 11 arcsec west of the quasar, and coincident with a jet seen in a 4.8 GHz image of this source. At a redshift of z=0.651, this is the largest (~50 Kpc) and most X-ray luminous (~1045 erg s-1) jet observed. Extrapolation of the radio spectrum of the jet exceeds the X-ray flux density, indicating they are not both a single synchrotron source. Thermal plasma models for the jet are difficult to reconcile with its optical and radio properties. We try models where the X-rays are due to inverse Compton scattering, and the radio flux is the synchrotron emission from the same population of electrons. The Compton scattering might be either on the microwave background, or self-Compton from the radio photons. In either case, this would imply a magnetic field well below the equipartition field. Optical emission is well below an extrapolation from either the radio or X-ray emission, providing further, difficult constraints. We discuss the implications and alternatives

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