AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 36. White Dwarfs New and Old
Display, Thursday, January 13, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[36.11] A Dynamical Study of the Eclipsing Nova V849 Oph

P. Zhao, J.E. McClintock (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)

Nova V849 Oph went into outburst in August 1919. In 1993-95, as part of a larger search for black hole candidates among galactic novae, we made a detailed dynamical study of this quiescent nova. Spectra were obtained using the MMT and the Blanco 4m Telescope at CTIO. Nine eclipses were observed using the FLWO 1.2m telescope, which allowed us to accurately determine the orbital period: 0.1727568(5) day. We were unable to measure the radial velocity of the secondary. However, the low radial velocity of the broad H-alpha emission line and the high inclination of this eclipsing system imply a massive primary. We discuss this unusual dynamical result and the possible nature of the primary.

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