AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 105. Observations, Outreach and Public Opinion
Display, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

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[105.08] Education and Public Outreach to Support the HESSI Mission: Raising Public Awareness

M. Adams (NASA/MSFC), E. Simmons (Huntsville H.S.), M.J. Hagyard, E.K. Newton (NASA/MSFC), E. Bero (VBAS)

The current upswing in solar activity bodes well for accomplishing the goals of the upcoming HESSI mission. The solar community is making good use of the increased activity through coordinated observations, both in space and on the ground. Ground-based measurements will provide crucial context observations and complementary measurements of the high-energy processes which HESSI will observe; vector magnetographs will provide information on the morphology and strength of active region magnetic fields. At the time of the launch of HESSI, we will provide scientific data to the community with the MSFC vector magnetograph and will use the facilities to enhance the educational experience of the local community. In the meantime, to raise public consciousness about the solar cycle and to prepare for HESSI observations, we have prepared lesson plans and activities which are currently being distributed via the internet. Further, to inform the educational community about our activities, our teacher partners disseminate the information by attending teacher conferences. This poster will review what we have already accomplished and what we plan for the next, few pre-launch months.

This work is supported by the NASA SR&T Program, NRA-98-03-SSS-105.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mitzi.adams@msfc.nasa.gov

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