AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 109. Extrasolar Planets and Low Mass Objects
Display, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

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[109.02] The Binary L-Dwarf DENIS-P J0205-1159

S.K. Leggett (Joint Astronomy Center Hilo Hawaii), F. Allard (CRAL, ENS, Lyon France), T.R. Geballe (Gemini North), P.H. Hauschildt (Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Georgia)

We report the confirmation of another identical-pair small-separation binary L-dwarf in imaging JHKL' data taken with the TUFTI camera on UKIRT. We place the system in physical context within a sample of nine M9-L7 dwarfs using low (R~600) and medium (R~3000) resolution infrared spectroscopy, obtained with CGS4 on UKIRT, to constrain the most recent models by Allard and Hauschildt. We derive effective temperature, gravity and metallicity. The new models include improved linelists for titanium oxide, iron hydride and water. The effect of dust condensation and extinction is treated in a detailed way using models which include clouds. Metallicity effects are also considered.

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