AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 13. Cosmological Simulations
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[13.01] A Gigaparticle/Gigaparsec Simulation Using the Tree-Particle-Mesh Method

P. Bode, J. Ostriker (Princeton University), G. Xu (UCSC), N. Bahcall, E. Ford (Princeton University)

Using an improved Tree-Particle-Mesh (TPM) code and a powerful supercomputer we have simulated the formation of large-scale structure in a gigaparsec box containing a billion particles. The TPM algorithm (G. Xu 1995, ApJS 98 355) combines the PM method on large scales with a tree code which handles the particle-particle interactions at small separations. After the global PM forces are calculated, spatially distinct regions above a given density threshold are located; the tree code calculates the gravitational interactions inside these dense halos. Since distinct high-density regions are each treated in isolation, this algorithm is naturally parallel. Running on a 256 processor SGI Origin 2000 at NCSA, we simulated the growth of structure in an LCDM model with a particle mass of 7.75\times1010 M\odot/h and a softening length of 13.5 kpc/h, for a maximum spatial dynamic range of 70,000. The large volume reduces cosmic variance and yields a statistically meaningful sample of clusters of galaxies (especially at high redshift) to facilitate comparisons with the observed evolution of rich clusters, which provides a powerful constraint on cosmological parameters.

This work was carried out as part of GC3, the Grand Challenge Cosmology Consortium.

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