AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 127. Variable Stars
Oral, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 2:00-3:30pm, Centennial III

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[127.04] Numerical Simulations of High-Amplitude Delta Scuti Star Pulsations

M.R. Templeton (NMSU)

We present the results of a theoretical program to model high-amplitude delta Scuti (HADS) stars. We base this study on field HADS, and on the MACHO Project delta Scuti stars. We have generated a grid of evolution models with (X,Y,Z) = (0.76,0.24,0.0001) to (0.58,0.36,0.06) covering the delta Scuti/SX Phoenicis region of the instability strip.

Linear pulsation tests were done to make theoretical Petersen diagrams for the double-mode pulsators, and to make period-luminosity relations. Petersen diagrams are consistent with previous observational and theoretical work, with all fundamental-first overtone pulsators having period ratios around 0.77. For a single metallicity, stars with masses separated by 0.1 M\odot have distinct tracks in the Petersen diagram, which permits mass and age estimates for stars of known abundance. We also find that period ratios drop rapidly as these stars evolve toward the red giant branch. The two MACHO delta Scuti stars with period ratios around 0.75 may be highly evolved, cool (T ~q 6700 K) delta Scuti stars. Period-luminosity relations for stars of different masses but the same abundances have a large intrinsic scatter, indicating that a color term must be included in the P-L relation for delta Scuti stars.

Hydrodynamic models of HADS have also been tested, using a variant of the Los Alamos DYNSTAR code (Ostlie and Cox, 1993, Astrophys. Space Sci 210, 311), modified to include the OPAL96 tabular opacities. We have obtained light curves that are similar to those of observed HADS, over a range of temperatures and masses. Our results are consistent with those of Bono et al. (1997; ApJ 477, 346) in that the light curves of fundamental mode pulsators are more sinusoidal than those of overtone pulsators. Work on the hydrodynamic models is being expanded to test the effects of helium enrichment on light curve shape, and to include convection in cooler HADS to better model the red edge of the instability strip.

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